

Yesterday, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather by going to park near my place to read several essays. I spread a large blanket on the soft grass and laid down for reading. This was a very happy moment for me. It was quite comfortable. In the past, when I was working for a large company, reading an English book during the daytime would have been a truly unimaginable scene. People say, “If one can imagine something, it will come true”. The saying might be true. At any rate, regarding this weeks reading, it’s really been quite tough. There were many words I simply didn’t know. I had to look up those words in the dictionary many times. Perhaps, one day I will eventually no longer need dictionaries, but I wonder when that day will come. Since I read the essays, today’s quiz went better than the last time a little bit. My only regret was that I missed the question about what was the age of the author when she got sick. I had thought the answer was 7, but it turns out the correct response was 4.

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