To me, living in a big city is “exciting” and living in a small city is “boring.” My hometown has pleasant mountains and a nice-looking ocean. It’s truly a beautiful city. To me, living in a big city is “dirty” and living in a small city is “beautiful.” In a sense, my family was quite conservative. There is an older, traditional way of thinking in Japan. My parents seemed to think that the oldest brother is #1 in everything and I didn’t like that way of thinking. I wanted to become very independent. I wanted to get away from my parents. I left my hometown at age 18 to move to Tokyo. At age 28, I left Tokyo for the Komerica. I felt like I had come a long way, but after several years I realized that Wonderland is a similar city to my hometown. I was trying to get away from my hometown and I traveled all the way to the other side of Japan on the earth, but the final destination was very similar to my hometown. I was born and raised in a small city with a population of approximately 300 thousand. The population of Tokyo was around 10 million. Compared to Tokyo, I lived in a really small city. Most of the things I saw on TV were focused mainly on things happening in Tokyo. Tokyo seemed to have everything I wanted in life and I grew up longing to live in Tokyo. Right after I graduated from high school, I made the change and decided to move to Tokyo and start enjoying the big city lifestyle.
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